Tuesday 18 October 2016

Production company ideas

I looked at existing production company logos so that I could research their conventions and what makes an effective logo.

 My partner, Serena and I have come up with some ideas for the name and logo of our production company.

It will be called S&H productions as this is a combination of both of our names and it is short and snappy. Many production companies use initials or single words for their company names as they are short so the audience are likely to remember them. S&H is very easy to remember and the way it is presented on the logo will make it stand out.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Conventions analysis

I have analysed two posters which are of a similar genre to my film and I have commented on the conventions that are used in each and how these might impact the audience and portrayal of the film.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Final synopsis of the whole film

One Last Touch

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy's friend know Will and Darcy came to a party as her plus one. Will and Darcy first meet when he welcomes her and her friends to the party and Darcy gives Will some drinks. Later that evening, they meet again at the bar to get another a drink. They begin talking and Darcy offers Will a drink, however, as she hands him the drink and their hands touch, everything suddenly goes black.

Will and Darcy wake up to screeching sirens on 7th September 1940 - the day of the blitz. The are sitting complete darkness, separated and alone. Both terrified and confused, they begin to call out for one another. A flickering light suddenly appears from a woman's candle who whispers "be quiet for God's sake, Will, they can hear us". Darcy and Will's eyes meet and, out of fear, Darcy reaches out him and, once again, everything goes black.

Will and Darcy find themselves at the Great Exhibition in October 1851. Darcy, being a huge art fan, realises where they are and takes advantage of the opportunity. Will and Darcy wonder around the exhibition and come across a majestic painting. A man and woman standing beside the artwork introduce themselves and Will recognises them. He suddenly remembers his research he did on his family tree and realises that they are artists from the 19th century, and his great, great grandparents. Before Will can blurt out that they are family, a woman drags him away and warns him to stay away. Both startled, Will and Darcy decide to leave and everything fades to black.

Will and Darcy open their eyes to see that they are now somewhere completely different. Jazz music playing, a huge glamourous hall and ball gowns galore - the 20s! Will and Darcy are separated and find themselves talking to different groups of people, people who know them. Darcy and Will make eye contact from across the room and are pushed together by their 'friends'. Both stop themselves from colliding into each other and everything goes silent. No music, no chatter, no one - just them. Something clicks. Will hold his hand out for Darcy and, as she takes it, everything fades to black.

The school bell rings, taking them to the 1950s. Will and Darcy have been transported to a school library where a girl suddenly approaches them and starts rambling about the school dance. Darcy introduces herself and asks the girl what her name is. Once again, Will realises that it is his grandmother - another relative in the past. Will tells Darcy and she suggests that he talks to her. Will goes to follow his grandmother and out of excitement grabs Darcy's hand, everything fades to black.

Electronic music is blasting and neon is everywhere. Will and Darcy find themselves in the 80s - the decade of disco and pop. They are both afraid and angry that Will can't get close to his family. Will, being the only guy, stands out from the crowd and is questioned over who he is and what he is doing in a female's dance class. He notices a woman who looks just like his mom, it has happened again. Will runs up to her and embraces her in a hug. Everything fades to black and Darcy is calling out for Will.

Back at the party, exactly where she was before everything changed, Darcy looks around frantically to find Will - the man she has grown to love. She asks Will's best friend where he is but he has no idea who Will is. No one does. Darcy realises that Will has been erased from time, but could she get him back?

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Trailer notes

Will's party
Darcy enters with friends
Will hugs Darcy's friend
Darcy gives Will a drink
Hands nearly touch
Nothing happens
Close up of faces when they each other - spark
Later on, Darcy gets a drink and they accidentally touch
Fades black
Siren > 1940s snippet
Scrambling around, calls Will, etc. 
Other character lights candle "be quiet, they can hear us"
Darcy reaches for Will and they touch
Fades black
Jazz music > 1920s snippet
Complete opposite with glam miss-en-scene and ball setting
Will and Darcy are talking to separate people about where they are
Group of people who think they know Will and Darcy speak to them, push them together
They touch
Fades black
School bell rings > 1950s
Darcy meets another guy and falls for him
Will realises he is jealous and finds that he is in love with Darcy
He walks over to Darcy, who is talking to other guy, and touches her hand
Fades to black
Gym class? > 1980s longer
Will and Darcy are angry with each other
Will sees his mom when she was younger
He runs up to her and calls out to her, suddenly disappears
Darcy suddenly appears back at the party a though nothing happened
There is no sign of Will so she asks his best friend where he is
His best friend doesn't know who she is talking about
Darcy realises Will has disappeared from time
Trailer ends

Find out in the next movie how got each other back