Wednesday 5 October 2016

Trailer notes

Will's party
Darcy enters with friends
Will hugs Darcy's friend
Darcy gives Will a drink
Hands nearly touch
Nothing happens
Close up of faces when they each other - spark
Later on, Darcy gets a drink and they accidentally touch
Fades black
Siren > 1940s snippet
Scrambling around, calls Will, etc. 
Other character lights candle "be quiet, they can hear us"
Darcy reaches for Will and they touch
Fades black
Jazz music > 1920s snippet
Complete opposite with glam miss-en-scene and ball setting
Will and Darcy are talking to separate people about where they are
Group of people who think they know Will and Darcy speak to them, push them together
They touch
Fades black
School bell rings > 1950s
Darcy meets another guy and falls for him
Will realises he is jealous and finds that he is in love with Darcy
He walks over to Darcy, who is talking to other guy, and touches her hand
Fades to black
Gym class? > 1980s longer
Will and Darcy are angry with each other
Will sees his mom when she was younger
He runs up to her and calls out to her, suddenly disappears
Darcy suddenly appears back at the party a though nothing happened
There is no sign of Will so she asks his best friend where he is
His best friend doesn't know who she is talking about
Darcy realises Will has disappeared from time
Trailer ends

Find out in the next movie how got each other back

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