Friday 27 January 2017

Issues and solutions

During filming, my partner and I ran into some complications that meant that we had to change some of our filming ideas and parts of the project.

Our team's schedules were one of the hardest things to organise as there were some clashes and difficulties with finding time when all members were free to film for a certain amount of time. To solve this problem, my partner and I made the decision to change some filming and work around the changes using editing.

For one scene, we chose to work with just one character and used editing to ensure that the narrative was still smooth and made sense. Because of this, our shot list for this scene changed slightly as one character, Darcy, was edited in using a voice over.

                              Old shot list                                                         New shot list

New 1940s script (script 2):
This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1940s in the bomb shelter.

D = Darcy
W = Will
MW = mysterious woman in bunker

Scene 3: Waking up
Everything is pitch black. Sirens playing in the background. 
D: Will? (whispers)
W: (looks around for Darcy, wipes his brow) Darcy? Where are you?
MW: For God's sake, be quiet! They can hear us (lights candle)
W: Darcy, where are you? (Reaches forward)
(Darcy grabs Will's hand)

We also changed another 2 scenes in order to fit in with the timings of the trailer and our actors' filming schedules. My partner and I decided to merge the 1950s and 20s scenes together to ensure that the narrative was still relevant and smooth. Instead of the 1950s being in the library, we changed it to the school dance and used the script from the 1920s to incorporate the romance aspect of the trailer as this is where the audience see Darcy and Will's connection. We have still kept the important character of Nancy in the scene as she is a vital part of the story-line as this is the scene where Will realises he is seeing his family members in the past. Because of this change, the 1920s scene will no longer be in the trailer. 

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