Tuesday 28 March 2017

Billboard and magazine first drafts

I have used Canva to begin to create my billboard poster and magazine front cover. Based on existing products and my layout designs, I have come up with some rough drafts that now need main images inserted. Once I have added the main image(s) I will choose which one I personally prefer and combine this with audience feedback from my target market in order to find the poster and magazine and cover that is most suitable for my film and intended audience.

Billboard poster drafts:

Magazine front cover drafts:

Thursday 23 March 2017

Audience feedback responses

In my survey I asked my audience which masthead designs and fonts they preferred. 11 people completed my survey and gave me constructive feedback that will help me decide which masthead is best for my magazine front cover.

For the first question, I showed my audience an image of all of the designs I had made for my magazine masthead. I then asked them to select their favourite 3 out of the designs. I chose to ask for 3 of their favourites because it allows me to adapt to my audience's preferences. If people liked a one of the fonts from one design and another from a different design but then preferred a separate design then I could adapt the font to what they like the most. Overall, the favourite design was design no. 11, followed by no. 5 and then 3, 9 and 12.

In the next question I asked my audience to choose their favourite fonts from the designs. Generally, the 2 favourites were both from design no. 11 but people also liked 9 and 4's block style font.

Wednesday 22 March 2017

Magazine masthead audience survey

I have created a survey using a website called freeonlinesurveys.com. This will give me enough feedback to decide on an appropriate masthead font and design that will appeal to my audience and look good on my magazine front cover.

I have asked people using a variety of technologies including on my blog, by text/iMessage, by Whatsapp messenger and Snapchat.

Friday 17 March 2017

Magazine masthead designs

I have created some masthead designs for my magazine front cover. These designs are based on magazine conventions of bold, clear mastheads as well as research I have conducted on existing products. The colour/background of the text may vary according to the featured film as this was a feature I saw on many film magazines and really liked. Some magazines changed main aspects of their magazine in order to make them tie in with the feature film which made the front cover more consistent and interesting. All of the fonts were from Canva.com.

Magazine name: FIND FILM

The name I have chosen for my magazine is 'Find Film'. I have selected this name because it it short and snappy so will be easy to remember and therefore easier to create an identity as more people will know it. This name suits my magazine because it is all about finding new films that have been or will be released. When looking at previous products, I found that the mastheads of magazines were just one or two words relating to films or film companies. As a result of this, I have chosen a name that I think relates to the type of media my magazine will discuss and will appeal to my audience.

Tuesday 7 March 2017