Thursday 23 March 2017

Audience feedback responses

In my survey I asked my audience which masthead designs and fonts they preferred. 11 people completed my survey and gave me constructive feedback that will help me decide which masthead is best for my magazine front cover.

For the first question, I showed my audience an image of all of the designs I had made for my magazine masthead. I then asked them to select their favourite 3 out of the designs. I chose to ask for 3 of their favourites because it allows me to adapt to my audience's preferences. If people liked a one of the fonts from one design and another from a different design but then preferred a separate design then I could adapt the font to what they like the most. Overall, the favourite design was design no. 11, followed by no. 5 and then 3, 9 and 12.

In the next question I asked my audience to choose their favourite fonts from the designs. Generally, the 2 favourites were both from design no. 11 but people also liked 9 and 4's block style font.

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