Wednesday 10 May 2017

Final products

I have completed my final movie trailer, billboard poster and movie magazine front cover after some improvements and finalisations from my audience feedback.

Billboard poster:

Magazine front cover:

Movie trailer:

Friday 21 April 2017

Evaluation question 1 - In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Task 1: conventions and examples

Made with Padlet

Task 3: movie magazine front cover and billboard poster analysis

Task 3: trailer conventions analysis

Evaluation question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I have created a short video with a commentary for my second evaluation clip using iMovie. I edited my commentary using Garageband.

I asked my audience how effective they thought the combination of my ancillary products and main trailer were and these were their responses:

  • "I really like how the colour of the name of the film ties in with the girl's costume. It works really well and I like how the same sort of style is used across all of the products. E.G. the font used for the text in the trailer is the same as the logo for the film."
  • "The costumes work well because you can tell that it isn't set in the present day - I think its the 50s. I also like the background and how it's the same for the logo in all 3 products. It links them together nicely."
  • "The block font used for the slogan in the poster and magazine is really effective and using it in both of the products is effective because it links them together nicely and doesn't make anything too busy or disconnected."

Evaluation question 3 - What have you learned from your audience feedback?

evaluation 3 - audience feedback by Hannah Fletcher

As a result of my audience feedback, I have made some changes to my products:
  • I have changed the font and colour of the "In cinemas June 15th" line in my billboard poster as some members of my audience found it hard to read as the original colour (white) was the same as the character's shirt which the text was over top of. I have changed the colour to pink which is the same as the colour that I have used for the name of the film throughout my products. I have also changed the font to a bolder, clearer style which is more spaced out so that the audience can see and read it more easily.
  • I have made some subtle changes to my magazine front cover so that there is less yellow as some members of my audience felt that there was too much colour. I haven't removed much of the colour as I felt that it helped to make the information on the page stand out and made the magazine front cover as a whole bold and eye catching. One change I made was make the "+" sign at the bottom of the page, just above the banner, pink instead of yellow so that it balanced the page out more and tied in with the film's house style. This was a convention I found during my research of existing products that I really liked. Some magazines changed the style of the front cover to suit the film, for example some changed the masthead to match the film's house style or main image. I like how this looks as it just adds some subtle changes that helps the magazine link in more with the feature film. 

Evaluation question 4 - How did you use new media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

New media technologies I have used:
  • Blogger
  • Sketch and Photoshop
  • YouTube
  • iMovie
  • Digital cameras and video cameras
  • Sound effects
  • Soundcloud
  • Padlet
  • Press
  • Google slides
  • Thinglink
  • Emaze
  • Bubblr
  • Gmail
  • iPhone
  • Apple Macs
  • Survey Nuts, Survey Monkey and FreeOnlineSurveys
  • Social media

Thursday 20 April 2017

Final draft of film trailer

This is the final draft of my trailer. This is before audience feedback so improvements may still be made.

Final billboard poster and magazine front cover

I have made some more improvements on my billboard poster and magazine front cover to achieve two final products that I am happy with. I used Photoshop to create both of the products.

Billboard poster:

Magazine cover: