Friday 21 April 2017

Evaluation question 2 - How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?

I have created a short video with a commentary for my second evaluation clip using iMovie. I edited my commentary using Garageband.

I asked my audience how effective they thought the combination of my ancillary products and main trailer were and these were their responses:

  • "I really like how the colour of the name of the film ties in with the girl's costume. It works really well and I like how the same sort of style is used across all of the products. E.G. the font used for the text in the trailer is the same as the logo for the film."
  • "The costumes work well because you can tell that it isn't set in the present day - I think its the 50s. I also like the background and how it's the same for the logo in all 3 products. It links them together nicely."
  • "The block font used for the slogan in the poster and magazine is really effective and using it in both of the products is effective because it links them together nicely and doesn't make anything too busy or disconnected."

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