Wednesday 22 June 2016

Camera practice - reflection post

Once we knew how to use the cameras with the tripods we recorded a short scene and edited it using iMovie (previous post). This then allowed us to use iMovie for the first time and have a practice before we create out final project. Although we only used the technology for a short amount of time, having a practice before starting our final project really helped my partner and I as it means that we now know the basics of using recording cameras, tripods and iMovie. 
Today we were shown a tutorial of how to use the cameras and tripods to create a short scene. This allowed us to familiarise ourselves with the technology that we will use to create our preliminary task and final film trailer. Our teacher gave us a list of tasks to complete to help us to understand the cameras and how to use them:

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Camera practice - knife throw scene

My partner Serena and I practiced using the video cameras by creating a short scene using various shots and techniques of the camera. I then posted this scene onto YouTube, to view click the link below:

Knife Throw Scene

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Preliminary task - shot list

The preliminary task must contain a shot list. This is a planning document that will help me to film the scene.

Shot list:
1. Establishing shot - character A cycling along a road peacefully
2. Medium close up - when A gets off their bike
3. Close up - bike wheel spinning on the floor
4. Point of view shot - as A walks towards door, shaking to show fear
5. Establishing/long shot - shows the house with the laid out table
6. Mid shots - as A says hello, jump cuts to different parts of the house that are empty
7. Close up - shows villains feet slowly walking towards A
8. Tracking shot - following the villains feet
9. Tilt - camera moves up the villains body to below his neck
10. Over the shoulder shot - as the villain eating his food?
11. Medium close up - character A to show fear
12. Close ups - (camera gets closer to villains face frame by frame)
13. Extreme close up - villains face in mask 
14. Low angle long shot - when villain is cycling away 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Preliminary task - script draft

Character A is cycling towards the house, gets off bike and approaches to explore
[shot of bicycle wheel still spinning]

A walks towards door - heavy breathing, [fade to black, title screen], door creaks [as title is shown]
[music gradually becomes louder - nursery rhyme?]

As A enters there is a [establishing shot] table with an afternoon tea/dinner set laid out - teddy bears?
A: Hello? HELLO?
[Jump cuts to different parts of the house]

The villain - character B - enters the room [close up shot of feet] and the audience sees them walking towards the table and hears the footsteps/creaky floorboards [tilt to upper body] 
B: Join me

B begins to eat [face is never shown] 
B: Eat
[camera travels further up his body using cuts and editing - body becomes distorted]
[extreme close up of villains face in mask?] 

Other character: HELP!

[fade to black - scream]
Character B is cycling away from the house on A's bike
[same music as opening frame - classical and peaceful]

Preliminary task - initial ideas

For our preliminary task, my partner Serena and I will create a 60 second scene using features from mine-en-scene, editing, sound and camera techniques. Our scene will be about a horror chase and we have some initial ideas here;

Genre: a horror chase
Plot ideas: 
Setting - dark house or warehouse, abandoned?
Villain - mask?
Many of the shots will be from the villains point of view.

Conventions of film posters

I have researched various posters of films that are similar to the genres of my film idea
Genres: romance
             period drama
             1920s, 1940s and 1950s

Research into my film idea

I have done some research into the different time periods that will be shown in my trailer in regards to the key events that happened in the decade and the entertainment and fashion at the time.


Monday 13 June 2016

Initial ideas

After hearing about the task for this years media studies coursework, myself and my partner Serena had some ideas of what we wanted to do for our film idea. We have come up with a film that it is different to films on the market at the moment and will appeal to an audience who we can relate to.

Genre - period drama, romance
Audience - young adults
Main characters - male and female, both 17
Extras - a large group of people used to represent each era using various costumes

Synopsis - the 2 main characters meet and get trapped in a time warp. Every time they touch they enter a new era, filled with surprises and challenges that they must face together.
Eras - 1940s, 1950s, 1920s...
Mise-en-scene - costumes to suit era, settings for different events significant in time
1940 - war, bomb shelter, midi skirt, blazer, tie, hat, suits, overalls
1950 - circle and poodle skirts, scrunchies, school setting, leather jackets
1920 - flapper style, dresses, finger curls, posh suits, trilby

Serena's blog: