Wednesday 15 June 2016

Preliminary task - shot list

The preliminary task must contain a shot list. This is a planning document that will help me to film the scene.

Shot list:
1. Establishing shot - character A cycling along a road peacefully
2. Medium close up - when A gets off their bike
3. Close up - bike wheel spinning on the floor
4. Point of view shot - as A walks towards door, shaking to show fear
5. Establishing/long shot - shows the house with the laid out table
6. Mid shots - as A says hello, jump cuts to different parts of the house that are empty
7. Close up - shows villains feet slowly walking towards A
8. Tracking shot - following the villains feet
9. Tilt - camera moves up the villains body to below his neck
10. Over the shoulder shot - as the villain eating his food?
11. Medium close up - character A to show fear
12. Close ups - (camera gets closer to villains face frame by frame)
13. Extreme close up - villains face in mask 
14. Low angle long shot - when villain is cycling away 

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