Tuesday 14 June 2016

Preliminary task - script draft

Character A is cycling towards the house, gets off bike and approaches to explore
[shot of bicycle wheel still spinning]

A walks towards door - heavy breathing, [fade to black, title screen], door creaks [as title is shown]
[music gradually becomes louder - nursery rhyme?]

As A enters there is a [establishing shot] table with an afternoon tea/dinner set laid out - teddy bears?
A: Hello? HELLO?
[Jump cuts to different parts of the house]

The villain - character B - enters the room [close up shot of feet] and the audience sees them walking towards the table and hears the footsteps/creaky floorboards [tilt to upper body] 
B: Join me

B begins to eat [face is never shown] 
B: Eat
[camera travels further up his body using cuts and editing - body becomes distorted]
[extreme close up of villains face in mask?] 

Other character: HELP!

[fade to black - scream]
Character B is cycling away from the house on A's bike
[same music as opening frame - classical and peaceful]

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