Wednesday 28 September 2016

Audience survey results analysis

In question 1, I asked my audience what their age, gender and occupation was. I asked this question as I wanted to gain more information about my target market and their lifestyle. Many of the participants were the age of my primary target audience and some were the age of my secondary audience.

In question 2, I asked which name my audience would prefer for the genre of film I am interested in. An even amount of participants said ‘Eternity’ and ‘One Last Touch’. This is very useful as it has narrowed down my ideas and lets me know what kind of title my audience are interested in.

In question 3, my audience were asked if they enjoy watching films from different eras. This question is very important as my film (and trailer) will include scenes from many different periods of time and I need to know whether my audience enjoy watching this. Nearly 95% of participants said that they enjoyed watching films from different eras. This means that I can go ahead with my idea and know that my audience will enjoy it.

In question 4, I asked my audience to rate how much they enjoy romance adventure films on a scale of 1 to 5 in order to know that my audience will enjoy my idea. The average score was nearly 4 out of 5 meaning that most of my target market will enjoy the genre. However, to ensure that they will love it, I will incorporate aspects of other genres – such as science fiction (time travel). This will make the film different and innovative and something that my audience may not have seen before.

In question 5, my target market were asked what their favourite past decades from a list of iconic eras I provided. The most popular decade was the 1980s with 12 out of 19, followed by the 60s, 40s and 20s (all scoring 9), then the 50s (8) and finally the 90s (7). Because of these results, I will definitely feature the 80s in my trailer as it is a decade known by my audience and is easy to represent. I will also feature the 1920s and 40s as they are very recognisable by my primary and secondary audience and easy to represent in a short period of time through sound and mise-en-scene. I must decide whether to include the 1950s or 1960s in my trailer because, although the 60s were more popular, I think that the 1950s would be easier to portray meaning that more people may be able to understand what decade I am trying to show. This question has given me useful information into what time periods my audience are interested in and what eras they recognise.  

In question 6, I asked my audience if they enjoyed cliff hangers in a movie trailer. Cliff hangers are often used in trailers to add suspense and mystery to the film and make the audience question what will happen next. They are a common convention used to intrigue an audience and persuade them to see the film. Although they are commonly used, I wanted to know if they are something that my target audience enjoy as they are my main priority. Nearly 90% of my audience said they do enjoy cliff hangers in trailers, therefore I will include them in my narrative.

In question 7, I asked again about movie trailers. This time, my audience were asked what type of movie trailer they enjoy. They were given 6 options to choose from gave me significant results. 10 people (nearly 53%) said that they enjoyed trailers with an element of surprise and mystery. This relates to cliff hangers and leaving questions for the audience to think about. 5 people (just over 26%) said that they enjoyed fast-paced editing in trailers. Because of these results, I will ensure that my trailer is fast-paced and contains scenes associated with adventure, as well as including cliff hangers and anticipating scenes.

In question 8, participants were asked what makes them most want to see a film. Out of 4 options, including films featured in movie magazines, famous directors and films made by big institutions, nearly 69% of my audience said that well-known actors pull them towards a film. This question gave me useful insight as it gave information into what I should advertise when marketing a film. Because of these results, I will be sure to advertise the actors that star in the film. 

In the final question, I asked my target market what their favourite genre of film was. My idea for the genre of my film is an adventure romance with aspects of science fiction. The 4 most loved genres by my audience were adventure, romance, action and comedy. This is useful as I know that my audience will enjoy the genre film I have been thinking about. 

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