Friday 23 September 2016

Draft narrative and synopsis

I have created a final narrative which has combined the ideas of both of my previous narratives.

Story type – romance/adventure/sci-fi
Plot type – maturation?

Boy and girl meet and find a spark, they hold hands and jump through time.

Act 1 – boy and girl meet at a party and go on a date the next day, when they hold hands they jump through time.
Act 2 – they realise what has happened and hold each other for safety, they jump to another decade.
Act 3 – they learn how to control their powers and return home safely (not shown in trailer à cliff-hanger).

It’s just before midnight on December 31st – New Year’s Eve. Everyone is getting ready for their New Year’s kiss. Darcy isn’t. She was waiting. She didn’t quite know what for, but when she found it, she’d know. She scanned the room and came across a newbie, who was he? He was alone but gorgeous, typical but mysterious. Who was he? Whoever he was, he was coming right for her.

Will felt like he knew everything about her. Her name was Darcy and she went to Westbrook Grove High, 10 minutes away. They were the same age and she loved animals. Her mom had bright pink hair and dad was a lawyer – strange match. Perfect match.

Darcy was falling love. They’d known each other for 2 hours and she was falling in love. She met with him the next day for brunch, then it turned into dinner, and then a night out. They’d spent 9 hours straight together and still had so much.

They were walking home and Will’s hand slipped into Darcy’s. It fitted like a glove. All of a sudden it was pitch black. A loud siren was whining in the distance and a baby was crying right by them. Confused, Darcy looked around and saw candles lit, women huddled together with their children and no men. Will looked at Darcy and realised she was wearing completely different clothes. Her petite mini dress had changed to a khaki skirt and blazer. Where were they?

They held each other and suddenly found themselves elsewhere. The music was exquisite and the dresses were stunning. What was this place? As will went to grab Darcy’s hand she realised what was happening. The war siren, the flapper dresses – they were moving through time. Everything changed again, the 50’s! Hollywood waves and poodle skirts – it had to be.

How would they stop it? How would they get back home? Will and Darcy and no idea, but they knew that they had each other – whatever happened they were together. 

Could use a voiceover throughout the trailer of a man and a woman telling the story of how they met. At the end of the trailer there could be a shot of two older people telling the story to their grandchildren/children. These people would be the main characters????

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