Wednesday 14 September 2016

Synopsis for trailer idea 1

Act 1 - it's just before midnight on December 31st - New Year's Eve. Everyone is getting ready for their New Year's kiss. Darcy isn't. After all, who would she kiss? James is her ex, Scott dated her best friend and Dean is, well, Dean. She scanned the room and came across a newbie, who was he? He was alone but gorgeous, typical but mysterious. Who was he? Darcy walked over and with just 30 seconds to go, introduced herself. If she didn't kiss someone she'd have to forfeit, and that was not okay. Within 20 seconds there was a connection and when the clock struck midnight, sparks.

Will needed to find someone, quick. It was 5 minutes before midnight and if he didn't find anyone then there would be non-stop name calling and forfeits from his mates. That's when she appeared. A goddess, cheesy but true. Her name was Darcy and she was amazing. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1....." Sparks. 

Will felt like he knew everything about her, she went to Westbrook Grove High, 10 minutes away, and was the same age as him. She had a pet dog and a hamster named Rex, her mom had bright pink hair and her dad was a lawyer - strange match. Perfect match.

Darcy was falling in love. They'd known each other for 2 hours and she was falling in love. She met with him the next day for brunch, and then it turned into dinner, and then a night out. They'd spent 9 hours straight together and still had so much to say. 

It was leaving day. Darcy and Will had been together for 1 year and were in love with their love. The first stop on the itinerary was Germany, then France, then Switzerland, then 8 more months of Europe. 1 year wasn't enough, they wanted to see it all. 

Act 2 - Stockholm! Sweden was by far Will's favourite. So much to do with such little time. Day 2 of Stockholm and it all went wrong. Will had a fit in the middle of the night, followed by another, and another, and another. Swedish hospitals weren't the best. Darcy hated the coffee and the donuts were shocking.Will was sick and all she could think of were the donuts. They'd said he wouldn't get better and he should go home immediately. No chance. He was living out his days with the woman he loves doing what he loves. 

Act 3 - they made it. Europe was finished and Will was no worse, in fact he was better. Great even. Doctors from all over Europe had been jabbing him with needles and scanning him non-stop. The lesion was getting smaller according to Dr DeJong in Amsterdam. He was getting better. But he'd changed. Darcy was unhappy and Will was impatient. 

When they returned home it was straight back to reality; bills, jobs and responsibilities. New Year's came around and Darcy was worried about Will. He was completely cured but something was still bothering him, worrying him. What was it? She wanted to make it work, desperately. Could it? She didn't know. She just hoped. 

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