Friday 16 September 2016

Synopsis for trailer idea 2

Act 1 - James Carter has been kidnapped. Why? He doesn't know. By whom? He doesn't know. For how long? Very long. Time has always fascinated James. How it happens, why it happens or, if it even happens at all. But at this point, he wanted to time to stop. He wanted to get away from the animals who had taken him for no reason and wanted to travel back to when it happened. He could have stopped them.

It had been months since James Carter was taken from his home and held captive. All he knew was that he needed to escape. An escape plan was his only plan, although he wasn't exactly the creative type. He was alone, starving, alone and freezing. And alone. He had to get out - now.

Act 2 - there was a loud noise coming from the hallway of the abandoned estate home James was being held in. Followed by a scream, and another, and another. What was going on? A masked man walked silently into the room where James was sat and stood there. Was it another kidnapper? No. Within seconds James was untied and running for his life with a man he knew nothing about. As they get to a safe distance James tackles the mysterious hero to the ground and pulls off his mask, only to have the shock of his life.

How was it possible? How could it be his future self saving him in the present? As James explained to James, time-travel was possible - and he had the gift. The kidnappers knew about James' powers and wanted to steal it for themselves. No way was that going to happen. More time had passed and he became a master of time. Travelling back and forth from the stone-age to the present. James wanted to do something with his powers, but what?

Act 3 - after months of research, James compiled a list of dates of tragic events that impacted the world. He was going to stop them. Save lives and rewrite the past. Would it work? He could only hope.

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