Wednesday 23 November 2016

Script 1 - present day

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the present day at the party (at the very beginning and end of the trailer).

D = Darcy
W = Will
S = Sam (Will's friend)
G = Georgina (Darcy's friend)

Scene 1: Front door
D & G are outside of Will's house excited to enter the party. Will is inside. 
D: (ring door bell, smiling with friends) muffled music coming from inside 
W: (answers door) music much louder 
G: hey Will!
W: hi! Glad you could both make it
G: this is my friend Darcy
D: hey! We've brought drinks (holds up drinks as a gesture)
W: then come on in

Fast-paced shots of party 

Scene 2: Darcy and Will together at the bar
W is getting himself a drink in the kitchen and D walks over to get herself one 
W: need a cup?
D: please, great party!
W: thanks! (starts making drink for Darcy)
D: You're friends with Sam aren't you? (Will passes her the drink) Oh thanks
(Hands touch)

Fade to black 

Scene ??????: Back to the present day
D suddenly alone at party again positioned at the bar in the same place as scene 2. Still holding the drink from scene 2. 
D: (Looking around frantically, no one paying attention to her or acting any differently. Pushes through the crowd to find Sam)
D: Where's Will? Have you seen him anywhere? (still looking for Will)
S: Will? Will who?
(S walks off into the crowd leaving D alone)

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