Wednesday 23 November 2016

Script 3 - 1920s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1920s in the grand hall.

D = Darcy
W = Will
E1 = extra 1
E2 = extra 2

Scene 4: the dance
W and D wake up in a big hall surrounded by people in ball gowns and suits. They are separated and with other people. 
W: (scanning the room for Darcy, confused, with a group of boys)
D: (scanning the room for Will, with a group of girls)
E1: I think he likes you (points to Will)
D: no way!
E1: Oh yeah? Just look at the way he's looking at you!
E1 & E2: (push D and W together into dance floor)
(Will and Darcy walk closer together and look into each other's eyes. They stop for a moment before Will playfully puts his hand out for Darcy. D takes it)

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