Friday 4 November 2016

Shot list

1. MPAA audience green screen [2 seconds]
2. Institutional details (logo, details, etc.) [2 seconds]
3. Inter-titles related to film title (About Time) [1 second]
4. Film title [1 second] 
5. Fade to black [2 seconds]
[8 seconds]

Party music playing (muffled then loud when door opens)

6. Mid shot of Will opening door [1 second]
7. Close up of Will looking at Darcy [2 seconds]
8. Close up of Darcy looking at Will [2 seconds]
9. Establishing shot of party [1 second]
10. Mid shot of Will and Darcy at the bar [2 second]
11. Close up of Will talking [2 seconds]
12. Over the shoulder shot showing Darcy [2 second]
13. Mid shot of Darcy giving Will a drink [2 seconds]
14. Extreme close up of fingers touching [2 seconds]
15. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[19 seconds]

Sirens or white noise sounding

16. Long shot of candle in near distance [2 seconds]
17. Medium-close up of woman holding candle [1 second]
18. Close up of Darcy [2 seconds]
19. Over the shoulder shot showing Will [1 second]
20. Tracking shot of Darcy's hand reaching out for Will [3 seconds]
21. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[12 seconds]

Jazz music starts playing

22. Tilt from top of room (chandelier?) to Darcy and Will [4 seconds]
23. Establishing shot of hall showing live band and crowd [3 seconds]
24. Medium shot of each group with Will and Darcy (split screen?) [2 seconds]
25. Point of view shot showing Will looking for Darcy [2 seconds]
26. Close up of Darcy looking directly at Will [2 seconds]
27. Close up of Will looking directly at Darcy [2 seconds]
28. Long shot of Will and Darcy being pushed together [3 seconds]
29. Extreme close up of bodies nearly touching (hear them breathing) [3 seconds]
30. Extreme close up of Will's eyes (muffled background nose) [4 seconds]
31. Extreme close up of Darcy's eyes [4 seconds]
32. Spinning shot going around Will and Darcy [4 seconds]
33. Mid shot of nothing then Will's hand entering screen [2 seconds]
34. Medium long shot of Will offering Darcy to dance [2 seconds]
35. Close up of Darcy smiling (music loud again) [2 seconds]
36. Tracking shot of her hand taking Will's [3 seconds]
37. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[45 seconds]

School bell ringing

38. Establishing shot from Will/Darcy's point of view of library to show fashion [3 seconds]
39. Pull focus to girl approaching Will and Darcy [2 seconds]
40. Medium shot of girl talking [5 seconds]
41. Long shot of her leaving (Will's face in frame) [2 seconds]
42. Pull focus to close up of Will [2 seconds]
43. Over the shoulder of Darcy talking to Will [4 seconds]
44. Medium long shot of Will taking Darcy's hand [2 seconds]
45. Medium close up of Will and Darcy looking at each other (realising) [2 seconds]
46. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[25 seconds]

Loud dance music

47. Fast editing to boombox and leg warmers [1 second each]
48. Sudden stop in music and medium shot of women looking blankly at Will [3 seconds]
49. Close up of Will scanning the room and stopping at his mom [4 seconds]
50. Medium shot of Will walking to her [4 seconds]
51. Close up of Will's eyes [2 seconds]
52. Close up of Will's mom's eyes [2 seconds]
53. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[19 seconds]

Darcy calling out for Will

54. Mid shot of Darcy at bar (same as before) [2 seconds]
55. Zoom in on Darcy [3 seconds]
56. Camera following Darcy walking through crowd [4 seconds]
57. Close up of Darcy [2 seconds]
58. Close up of Will's best friend [5 seconds]
59. Extreme close up of Darcy looking scared [2 seconds]
60. Zoom out to extreme long shot showing the room [4 seconds]
61. Focus on Darcy [3 seconds]
62. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[28 seconds]

63. Title of the film [2 seconds]
64. Release date [2 seconds]
65. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[7 seconds]

163 seconds = approx. 3 minutes 

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