Wednesday 23 November 2016

Script 4 - 1950s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1950s in the school library.

D = Darcy
W = Will
N = Nancy

Scene 5: together at school
Will and Darcy in the corner of the library surrounded by extras sitting at tables working and playing cards. The doors open and Nancy walks in, approaching a table and handing out flyers. Nancy then walks towards Will and Darcy.
N: Hey bean!
W&D: Urm, hello?
N: Don't think I've ever seen you guys around before. I'm Nancy
D: This is Will and I'm Darcy
W: Will? Sounds familiar, have we met before?
W: I don't think so
N: Well, this is for you, if you need any more information just ask for me, Nancy Davis. See ya!
(Nancy walks away)
(Will turns towards Nancy)
W: Davis? Nancy Davis? Why do I recognise the name? Wait, I think she's my grandma
D: Will I don't think that's a good idea
(Grabs Will's arm as he begins to walk away)

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