Tuesday 13 December 2016

Typical features in a movie magazine

This is a list of features that movie magazines include to appeal to their audience and provide them with information and entertainment. Many of these features are to do with the film that the specific issue is focusing on.

Spotlight interviews with actors/actresses and directors, etc.
Reviews on recent films related to the genre of the magazine
Future releases list showing new films coming to cinemas soon
Opinion articles about specific films where a journalists gives the audience their individual opinion of an often controversial film topic or point of view
Film news and previews
A ranking list of classic and recent films of the same or similar genre
Competitions and interactive features like copies of audience members' own reviews or opinion on films
A masterpiece/feature film section containing reviews, interviews, etc. on the feature film shown on the front cover of the magazine
Transcripts from notable film scenes

Sound/music ideas

modern day = playful
1920s = travel, 44th street, dolce vita
1950s = school bell ringing, school university

modern day = current songs in the charts/similar sounds - original instrumental
1920s = jazz music - saxophone
1940s = siren
1980s = electronic/dance music

Tuesday 29 November 2016

Actors' schedules

works Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30 and 4:00
Wednesdays and weekends off
Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday rehearsals + Saturday up to Christmas

Photo planning

I have done some research on time-travel romance posters to look at their conventions in more detail than I have with previous research. These posters have given me some ideas about the types of photos I want to take for my marketing and will help me keep within the boundaries of film posters.

I have also begun planning for my photo-shoot with the characters in my film. I have created a planning table describing the shot type, the mise-en-scene, the lighting and the positioning of the characters in my poster.

Storyboard of shots

My partner and I looked at each other's shot lists and took inspiration from them. We then took photos of each shot that was on our updated shot list and made a storyboard describing the shot and including a picture of it so that we could clearly see what we wanted and how it could look.

Wednesday 23 November 2016

Script 5 - 1980s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1950s in the school library.

D = Darcy
W = Will
J = Jess

Scene 6: dance class
Will and Darcy are at the back of the class (loud music playing and women around the room getting ready/packing up). 
W: Why didn't you let me go and speak to her?
D: (Gradually louder) Have you not seen the film 'About Time'? It just seems too dangerous. We can't mess with time!
One woman notices Will and whispers to the other women. (Music stops). Will and Darcy look at the women confused.

Script 4 - 1950s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1950s in the school library.

D = Darcy
W = Will
N = Nancy

Scene 5: together at school
Will and Darcy in the corner of the library surrounded by extras sitting at tables working and playing cards. The doors open and Nancy walks in, approaching a table and handing out flyers. Nancy then walks towards Will and Darcy.
N: Hey bean!
W&D: Urm, hello?
N: Don't think I've ever seen you guys around before. I'm Nancy
D: This is Will and I'm Darcy
W: Will? Sounds familiar, have we met before?
W: I don't think so
N: Well, this is for you, if you need any more information just ask for me, Nancy Davis. See ya!
(Nancy walks away)
(Will turns towards Nancy)
W: Davis? Nancy Davis? Why do I recognise the name? Wait, I think she's my grandma
D: Will I don't think that's a good idea
(Grabs Will's arm as he begins to walk away)

Script 3 - 1920s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1920s in the grand hall.

D = Darcy
W = Will
E1 = extra 1
E2 = extra 2

Scene 4: the dance
W and D wake up in a big hall surrounded by people in ball gowns and suits. They are separated and with other people. 
W: (scanning the room for Darcy, confused, with a group of boys)
D: (scanning the room for Will, with a group of girls)
E1: I think he likes you (points to Will)
D: no way!
E1: Oh yeah? Just look at the way he's looking at you!
E1 & E2: (push D and W together into dance floor)
(Will and Darcy walk closer together and look into each other's eyes. They stop for a moment before Will playfully puts his hand out for Darcy. D takes it)

Script 2 - 1940s

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the 1940s in the bomb shelter.

D = Darcy
W = Will
MW = mysterious woman in bunker

Scene 3: Waking up
Everything is pitch black. Sirens playing in the background. 
D: (scrambles around looking for Will) Will? (whispers)
W: Darcy? Where are you?
MW: For God's sake Will be quiet! They can hear us (lights candle)
Will and Darcy see each other and grab each other's hands.

Script 1 - present day

This script is for the parts of the trailer set in the present day at the party (at the very beginning and end of the trailer).

D = Darcy
W = Will
S = Sam (Will's friend)
G = Georgina (Darcy's friend)

Scene 1: Front door
D & G are outside of Will's house excited to enter the party. Will is inside. 
D: (ring door bell, smiling with friends) muffled music coming from inside 
W: (answers door) music much louder 
G: hey Will!
W: hi! Glad you could both make it
G: this is my friend Darcy
D: hey! We've brought drinks (holds up drinks as a gesture)
W: then come on in

Fast-paced shots of party 

Scene 2: Darcy and Will together at the bar
W is getting himself a drink in the kitchen and D walks over to get herself one 
W: need a cup?
D: please, great party!
W: thanks! (starts making drink for Darcy)
D: You're friends with Sam aren't you? (Will passes her the drink) Oh thanks
(Hands touch)

Fade to black 

Scene ??????: Back to the present day
D suddenly alone at party again positioned at the bar in the same place as scene 2. Still holding the drink from scene 2. 
D: (Looking around frantically, no one paying attention to her or acting any differently. Pushes through the crowd to find Sam)
D: Where's Will? Have you seen him anywhere? (still looking for Will)
S: Will? Will who?
(S walks off into the crowd leaving D alone)

Tuesday 22 November 2016


My partner and I have created an eMaze presentation to display all of the aspects of mise-en-scene in our film. It contains images of locations and props as well as lists of what characters will wear. This will make it easier to plan our production and film the trailer as everything will be set up for us.

Powered by emaze

Film title ideas

I looked at film titles from films of the same or of a similar genre to my own so that I could look at the conventions and similarities of them which could help me when creating my own logo for my film.

One thing I noticed when looking at existing film titles is that they all just use one or two colours. They also only use one font to keep the titles consistent and simple.

These are the designs that my partner and I have created for our film title. We used dafont.com and sketch.

Friday 18 November 2016

Narrative theory planning - Mr Love

Filming schedule

Friday 4 November 2016

Shot list

1. MPAA audience green screen [2 seconds]
2. Institutional details (logo, details, etc.) [2 seconds]
3. Inter-titles related to film title (About Time) [1 second]
4. Film title [1 second] 
5. Fade to black [2 seconds]
[8 seconds]

Party music playing (muffled then loud when door opens)

6. Mid shot of Will opening door [1 second]
7. Close up of Will looking at Darcy [2 seconds]
8. Close up of Darcy looking at Will [2 seconds]
9. Establishing shot of party [1 second]
10. Mid shot of Will and Darcy at the bar [2 second]
11. Close up of Will talking [2 seconds]
12. Over the shoulder shot showing Darcy [2 second]
13. Mid shot of Darcy giving Will a drink [2 seconds]
14. Extreme close up of fingers touching [2 seconds]
15. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[19 seconds]

Sirens or white noise sounding

16. Long shot of candle in near distance [2 seconds]
17. Medium-close up of woman holding candle [1 second]
18. Close up of Darcy [2 seconds]
19. Over the shoulder shot showing Will [1 second]
20. Tracking shot of Darcy's hand reaching out for Will [3 seconds]
21. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[12 seconds]

Jazz music starts playing

22. Tilt from top of room (chandelier?) to Darcy and Will [4 seconds]
23. Establishing shot of hall showing live band and crowd [3 seconds]
24. Medium shot of each group with Will and Darcy (split screen?) [2 seconds]
25. Point of view shot showing Will looking for Darcy [2 seconds]
26. Close up of Darcy looking directly at Will [2 seconds]
27. Close up of Will looking directly at Darcy [2 seconds]
28. Long shot of Will and Darcy being pushed together [3 seconds]
29. Extreme close up of bodies nearly touching (hear them breathing) [3 seconds]
30. Extreme close up of Will's eyes (muffled background nose) [4 seconds]
31. Extreme close up of Darcy's eyes [4 seconds]
32. Spinning shot going around Will and Darcy [4 seconds]
33. Mid shot of nothing then Will's hand entering screen [2 seconds]
34. Medium long shot of Will offering Darcy to dance [2 seconds]
35. Close up of Darcy smiling (music loud again) [2 seconds]
36. Tracking shot of her hand taking Will's [3 seconds]
37. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[45 seconds]

School bell ringing

38. Establishing shot from Will/Darcy's point of view of library to show fashion [3 seconds]
39. Pull focus to girl approaching Will and Darcy [2 seconds]
40. Medium shot of girl talking [5 seconds]
41. Long shot of her leaving (Will's face in frame) [2 seconds]
42. Pull focus to close up of Will [2 seconds]
43. Over the shoulder of Darcy talking to Will [4 seconds]
44. Medium long shot of Will taking Darcy's hand [2 seconds]
45. Medium close up of Will and Darcy looking at each other (realising) [2 seconds]
46. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[25 seconds]

Loud dance music

47. Fast editing to boombox and leg warmers [1 second each]
48. Sudden stop in music and medium shot of women looking blankly at Will [3 seconds]
49. Close up of Will scanning the room and stopping at his mom [4 seconds]
50. Medium shot of Will walking to her [4 seconds]
51. Close up of Will's eyes [2 seconds]
52. Close up of Will's mom's eyes [2 seconds]
53. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[19 seconds]

Darcy calling out for Will

54. Mid shot of Darcy at bar (same as before) [2 seconds]
55. Zoom in on Darcy [3 seconds]
56. Camera following Darcy walking through crowd [4 seconds]
57. Close up of Darcy [2 seconds]
58. Close up of Will's best friend [5 seconds]
59. Extreme close up of Darcy looking scared [2 seconds]
60. Zoom out to extreme long shot showing the room [4 seconds]
61. Focus on Darcy [3 seconds]
62. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[28 seconds]

63. Title of the film [2 seconds]
64. Release date [2 seconds]
65. Fade to black [3 seconds]
[7 seconds]

163 seconds = approx. 3 minutes 

Wednesday 2 November 2016

Representation of characters in The Longest Ride - Mr Love

Detailed narrative

The movie begins at a house party thrown by Will, a 17 year old boy from Birmingham. Darcy reluctantly goes to the party with one of her best friends and gives Will a drink as a thank you for letting her come. Later on that evening, Darcy, a 17 year old girl born and raised in Dudley, and Will meet again at the bar. They start a conversation and, as Darcy hands Will a drink, their hands touch and everything fades to black. 

Will and Darcy wake to screeching sirens on 7th September 1940 - the day of the blitz. They are separated and alone in a dark and damp bomb shelter. Both scared and alone, they call out for each other. Suddenly, a woman in the shelter lights a candle and whispers "be quiet for God's sake Will, they can hear us". Darcy and Will realises they are not alone and clearly known by the other people in the shelter. Darcy, out of fear, reaches for Will and, once again, everything fades to black.

Will and Darcy now find themselves in October 1851, The Great Exhibition. Darcy, who is a big fan of art, realises where they are and takes advantage of the opportunity she has and walks around the exhibition with Will, admiring the amazing, classic artwork in front of her. Darcy finds a particularly interesting painting and stops to look at it. When Will makes a comment about the masterpiece, a couple introduce themselves. Will recognises their names and immediately remembers that they are his great, great grandparents. Before Will can tell them they are family, a woman drags him and Darcy away to warn them of the danger of interacting with family members. Startled, Will and Darcy decide to leave and everything fades to black. 

Will and Darcy slowly open their eyes to see that they are somewhere completely different. Jazz musing is played by a live band and dazzling lights reveal the glamorous evening ball. Will is talking to a group who, again, seem to know him and, as he scans the room for Darcy, he catches her eye. The couple are then pushed together by their new 'friends' and encouraged to dance. Will and Darcy stop themselves from colliding and it seems that everything goes silent. They both look into each other's eyes and feel a spark, as though everyone else in the room has disappeared ad it is just the two of them, together. Will playfully invites Darcy to dance and everything fades to black.

A school bell rings and Will and Darcy wake to a library full of poodle skirts and leather jackets. A girl approaches Will and Darcy and introduces herself as Nancy Devons. She begins talking about the upcoming school dance and Will, once again, realises that Nancy is a relative of his - his grandmother. The girl leaves and Will quickly tells Darcy about what he has discovered. Darcy encourages Will to talk to the girl and, without thinking, he grabs Darcy's hand to follow his grandmother and everything fades to black. 

Electronic music is blasting out of the boom boxes all around the room and the neon leg warmers and dance class make it clear that Will and Darcy are in the 80s. Will, being the only guy in the room, stands out and is questioned by the other women. Will notices a woman who looks exactly like his mother. He realises that it has happened again and this time he instantly calls out for her. As he makes eye contact with her everything fades to black and Darcy screams out for Will who has suddenly disappeared. 

Darcy is alone at the party again in the exact same position at the bar - as though nothing happened. Will is nowhere to be found and a panicking Darcy pushes through the crowd to look for Will's best friend. When asked if he knows where Will is, he looks perplexed and tells Darcy he has no idea who she is talking about. Will has been erased from time. 

Can Darcy get back the man she has grown to love?

Tuesday 18 October 2016

Production company ideas

I looked at existing production company logos so that I could research their conventions and what makes an effective logo.

 My partner, Serena and I have come up with some ideas for the name and logo of our production company.

It will be called S&H productions as this is a combination of both of our names and it is short and snappy. Many production companies use initials or single words for their company names as they are short so the audience are likely to remember them. S&H is very easy to remember and the way it is presented on the logo will make it stand out.

Thursday 13 October 2016

Conventions analysis

I have analysed two posters which are of a similar genre to my film and I have commented on the conventions that are used in each and how these might impact the audience and portrayal of the film.

Thursday 6 October 2016

Final synopsis of the whole film

One Last Touch

The movie starts at a house party hosted by Will. Darcy's friend know Will and Darcy came to a party as her plus one. Will and Darcy first meet when he welcomes her and her friends to the party and Darcy gives Will some drinks. Later that evening, they meet again at the bar to get another a drink. They begin talking and Darcy offers Will a drink, however, as she hands him the drink and their hands touch, everything suddenly goes black.

Will and Darcy wake up to screeching sirens on 7th September 1940 - the day of the blitz. The are sitting complete darkness, separated and alone. Both terrified and confused, they begin to call out for one another. A flickering light suddenly appears from a woman's candle who whispers "be quiet for God's sake, Will, they can hear us". Darcy and Will's eyes meet and, out of fear, Darcy reaches out him and, once again, everything goes black.

Will and Darcy find themselves at the Great Exhibition in October 1851. Darcy, being a huge art fan, realises where they are and takes advantage of the opportunity. Will and Darcy wonder around the exhibition and come across a majestic painting. A man and woman standing beside the artwork introduce themselves and Will recognises them. He suddenly remembers his research he did on his family tree and realises that they are artists from the 19th century, and his great, great grandparents. Before Will can blurt out that they are family, a woman drags him away and warns him to stay away. Both startled, Will and Darcy decide to leave and everything fades to black.

Will and Darcy open their eyes to see that they are now somewhere completely different. Jazz music playing, a huge glamourous hall and ball gowns galore - the 20s! Will and Darcy are separated and find themselves talking to different groups of people, people who know them. Darcy and Will make eye contact from across the room and are pushed together by their 'friends'. Both stop themselves from colliding into each other and everything goes silent. No music, no chatter, no one - just them. Something clicks. Will hold his hand out for Darcy and, as she takes it, everything fades to black.

The school bell rings, taking them to the 1950s. Will and Darcy have been transported to a school library where a girl suddenly approaches them and starts rambling about the school dance. Darcy introduces herself and asks the girl what her name is. Once again, Will realises that it is his grandmother - another relative in the past. Will tells Darcy and she suggests that he talks to her. Will goes to follow his grandmother and out of excitement grabs Darcy's hand, everything fades to black.

Electronic music is blasting and neon is everywhere. Will and Darcy find themselves in the 80s - the decade of disco and pop. They are both afraid and angry that Will can't get close to his family. Will, being the only guy, stands out from the crowd and is questioned over who he is and what he is doing in a female's dance class. He notices a woman who looks just like his mom, it has happened again. Will runs up to her and embraces her in a hug. Everything fades to black and Darcy is calling out for Will.

Back at the party, exactly where she was before everything changed, Darcy looks around frantically to find Will - the man she has grown to love. She asks Will's best friend where he is but he has no idea who Will is. No one does. Darcy realises that Will has been erased from time, but could she get him back?

Wednesday 5 October 2016

Trailer notes

Will's party
Darcy enters with friends
Will hugs Darcy's friend
Darcy gives Will a drink
Hands nearly touch
Nothing happens
Close up of faces when they each other - spark
Later on, Darcy gets a drink and they accidentally touch
Fades black
Siren > 1940s snippet
Scrambling around, calls Will, etc. 
Other character lights candle "be quiet, they can hear us"
Darcy reaches for Will and they touch
Fades black
Jazz music > 1920s snippet
Complete opposite with glam miss-en-scene and ball setting
Will and Darcy are talking to separate people about where they are
Group of people who think they know Will and Darcy speak to them, push them together
They touch
Fades black
School bell rings > 1950s
Darcy meets another guy and falls for him
Will realises he is jealous and finds that he is in love with Darcy
He walks over to Darcy, who is talking to other guy, and touches her hand
Fades to black
Gym class? > 1980s longer
Will and Darcy are angry with each other
Will sees his mom when she was younger
He runs up to her and calls out to her, suddenly disappears
Darcy suddenly appears back at the party a though nothing happened
There is no sign of Will so she asks his best friend where he is
His best friend doesn't know who she is talking about
Darcy realises Will has disappeared from time
Trailer ends

Find out in the next movie how got each other back

Wednesday 28 September 2016

Audience survey results analysis

In question 1, I asked my audience what their age, gender and occupation was. I asked this question as I wanted to gain more information about my target market and their lifestyle. Many of the participants were the age of my primary target audience and some were the age of my secondary audience.

In question 2, I asked which name my audience would prefer for the genre of film I am interested in. An even amount of participants said ‘Eternity’ and ‘One Last Touch’. This is very useful as it has narrowed down my ideas and lets me know what kind of title my audience are interested in.

In question 3, my audience were asked if they enjoy watching films from different eras. This question is very important as my film (and trailer) will include scenes from many different periods of time and I need to know whether my audience enjoy watching this. Nearly 95% of participants said that they enjoyed watching films from different eras. This means that I can go ahead with my idea and know that my audience will enjoy it.

In question 4, I asked my audience to rate how much they enjoy romance adventure films on a scale of 1 to 5 in order to know that my audience will enjoy my idea. The average score was nearly 4 out of 5 meaning that most of my target market will enjoy the genre. However, to ensure that they will love it, I will incorporate aspects of other genres – such as science fiction (time travel). This will make the film different and innovative and something that my audience may not have seen before.

In question 5, my target market were asked what their favourite past decades from a list of iconic eras I provided. The most popular decade was the 1980s with 12 out of 19, followed by the 60s, 40s and 20s (all scoring 9), then the 50s (8) and finally the 90s (7). Because of these results, I will definitely feature the 80s in my trailer as it is a decade known by my audience and is easy to represent. I will also feature the 1920s and 40s as they are very recognisable by my primary and secondary audience and easy to represent in a short period of time through sound and mise-en-scene. I must decide whether to include the 1950s or 1960s in my trailer because, although the 60s were more popular, I think that the 1950s would be easier to portray meaning that more people may be able to understand what decade I am trying to show. This question has given me useful information into what time periods my audience are interested in and what eras they recognise.  

In question 6, I asked my audience if they enjoyed cliff hangers in a movie trailer. Cliff hangers are often used in trailers to add suspense and mystery to the film and make the audience question what will happen next. They are a common convention used to intrigue an audience and persuade them to see the film. Although they are commonly used, I wanted to know if they are something that my target audience enjoy as they are my main priority. Nearly 90% of my audience said they do enjoy cliff hangers in trailers, therefore I will include them in my narrative.

In question 7, I asked again about movie trailers. This time, my audience were asked what type of movie trailer they enjoy. They were given 6 options to choose from gave me significant results. 10 people (nearly 53%) said that they enjoyed trailers with an element of surprise and mystery. This relates to cliff hangers and leaving questions for the audience to think about. 5 people (just over 26%) said that they enjoyed fast-paced editing in trailers. Because of these results, I will ensure that my trailer is fast-paced and contains scenes associated with adventure, as well as including cliff hangers and anticipating scenes.

In question 8, participants were asked what makes them most want to see a film. Out of 4 options, including films featured in movie magazines, famous directors and films made by big institutions, nearly 69% of my audience said that well-known actors pull them towards a film. This question gave me useful insight as it gave information into what I should advertise when marketing a film. Because of these results, I will be sure to advertise the actors that star in the film. 

In the final question, I asked my target market what their favourite genre of film was. My idea for the genre of my film is an adventure romance with aspects of science fiction. The 4 most loved genres by my audience were adventure, romance, action and comedy. This is useful as I know that my audience will enjoy the genre film I have been thinking about. 

Tuesday 27 September 2016

Audience survey

Create your own user feedback survey 

I asked people to participate in my survey through:
- Whatsapp
- Text message
 - E-mail
- Word of mouth

Friday 23 September 2016

Draft narrative and synopsis

I have created a final narrative which has combined the ideas of both of my previous narratives.

Story type – romance/adventure/sci-fi
Plot type – maturation?

Boy and girl meet and find a spark, they hold hands and jump through time.

Act 1 – boy and girl meet at a party and go on a date the next day, when they hold hands they jump through time.
Act 2 – they realise what has happened and hold each other for safety, they jump to another decade.
Act 3 – they learn how to control their powers and return home safely (not shown in trailer à cliff-hanger).

It’s just before midnight on December 31st – New Year’s Eve. Everyone is getting ready for their New Year’s kiss. Darcy isn’t. She was waiting. She didn’t quite know what for, but when she found it, she’d know. She scanned the room and came across a newbie, who was he? He was alone but gorgeous, typical but mysterious. Who was he? Whoever he was, he was coming right for her.

Will felt like he knew everything about her. Her name was Darcy and she went to Westbrook Grove High, 10 minutes away. They were the same age and she loved animals. Her mom had bright pink hair and dad was a lawyer – strange match. Perfect match.

Darcy was falling love. They’d known each other for 2 hours and she was falling in love. She met with him the next day for brunch, then it turned into dinner, and then a night out. They’d spent 9 hours straight together and still had so much.

They were walking home and Will’s hand slipped into Darcy’s. It fitted like a glove. All of a sudden it was pitch black. A loud siren was whining in the distance and a baby was crying right by them. Confused, Darcy looked around and saw candles lit, women huddled together with their children and no men. Will looked at Darcy and realised she was wearing completely different clothes. Her petite mini dress had changed to a khaki skirt and blazer. Where were they?

They held each other and suddenly found themselves elsewhere. The music was exquisite and the dresses were stunning. What was this place? As will went to grab Darcy’s hand she realised what was happening. The war siren, the flapper dresses – they were moving through time. Everything changed again, the 50’s! Hollywood waves and poodle skirts – it had to be.

How would they stop it? How would they get back home? Will and Darcy and no idea, but they knew that they had each other – whatever happened they were together. 

Could use a voiceover throughout the trailer of a man and a woman telling the story of how they met. At the end of the trailer there could be a shot of two older people telling the story to their grandchildren/children. These people would be the main characters????

Friday 16 September 2016

Blumler and Katz 'Uses and Gratifications' 1974 - Mr Love

According to Blumler and Katz, these are the reasons why people consume media texts. Media producers may design their texts to appeal to these needs and desires.

Demographics and psychographics

Category A - upper middle class (bankers, doctors)
Category B - middle class (teachers, middle managers)
Category C1 - lower middle class (office supervisors, nurses)
Category C2 - skilled working class (tradespeople)
Category D - working class (unskilled manual labour)
Category E - lowest level of income (unemployed, students, pensioners)

Adverts are more likely to be identified using psychographics rather than demographics, however you can apply them to other media products as well.
Aspirers - people who want to appear rich and attractive.
Reformers - people who want social change, unemployed by status, make decisions based on their values (environmentalists).
Explorers - adventurous people who like taking risks.
Main-streamers - people who follow the crowd.
Strugglers - people who find it hard to achieve (often connected with poverty). 

Ideology (shared values and beliefs). Also consider audiences' values (e.g. concern for the environment) and ideologies (e.g. predominant left or right wing stance, a distrust of the youth or sexism), which they may share with the text. 

Synopsis for trailer idea 2

Act 1 - James Carter has been kidnapped. Why? He doesn't know. By whom? He doesn't know. For how long? Very long. Time has always fascinated James. How it happens, why it happens or, if it even happens at all. But at this point, he wanted to time to stop. He wanted to get away from the animals who had taken him for no reason and wanted to travel back to when it happened. He could have stopped them.

It had been months since James Carter was taken from his home and held captive. All he knew was that he needed to escape. An escape plan was his only plan, although he wasn't exactly the creative type. He was alone, starving, alone and freezing. And alone. He had to get out - now.

Act 2 - there was a loud noise coming from the hallway of the abandoned estate home James was being held in. Followed by a scream, and another, and another. What was going on? A masked man walked silently into the room where James was sat and stood there. Was it another kidnapper? No. Within seconds James was untied and running for his life with a man he knew nothing about. As they get to a safe distance James tackles the mysterious hero to the ground and pulls off his mask, only to have the shock of his life.

How was it possible? How could it be his future self saving him in the present? As James explained to James, time-travel was possible - and he had the gift. The kidnappers knew about James' powers and wanted to steal it for themselves. No way was that going to happen. More time had passed and he became a master of time. Travelling back and forth from the stone-age to the present. James wanted to do something with his powers, but what?

Act 3 - after months of research, James compiled a list of dates of tragic events that impacted the world. He was going to stop them. Save lives and rewrite the past. Would it work? He could only hope.

Wednesday 14 September 2016

Synopsis for trailer idea 1

Act 1 - it's just before midnight on December 31st - New Year's Eve. Everyone is getting ready for their New Year's kiss. Darcy isn't. After all, who would she kiss? James is her ex, Scott dated her best friend and Dean is, well, Dean. She scanned the room and came across a newbie, who was he? He was alone but gorgeous, typical but mysterious. Who was he? Darcy walked over and with just 30 seconds to go, introduced herself. If she didn't kiss someone she'd have to forfeit, and that was not okay. Within 20 seconds there was a connection and when the clock struck midnight, sparks.

Will needed to find someone, quick. It was 5 minutes before midnight and if he didn't find anyone then there would be non-stop name calling and forfeits from his mates. That's when she appeared. A goddess, cheesy but true. Her name was Darcy and she was amazing. "5, 4, 3, 2, 1....." Sparks. 

Will felt like he knew everything about her, she went to Westbrook Grove High, 10 minutes away, and was the same age as him. She had a pet dog and a hamster named Rex, her mom had bright pink hair and her dad was a lawyer - strange match. Perfect match.

Darcy was falling in love. They'd known each other for 2 hours and she was falling in love. She met with him the next day for brunch, and then it turned into dinner, and then a night out. They'd spent 9 hours straight together and still had so much to say. 

It was leaving day. Darcy and Will had been together for 1 year and were in love with their love. The first stop on the itinerary was Germany, then France, then Switzerland, then 8 more months of Europe. 1 year wasn't enough, they wanted to see it all. 

Act 2 - Stockholm! Sweden was by far Will's favourite. So much to do with such little time. Day 2 of Stockholm and it all went wrong. Will had a fit in the middle of the night, followed by another, and another, and another. Swedish hospitals weren't the best. Darcy hated the coffee and the donuts were shocking.Will was sick and all she could think of were the donuts. They'd said he wouldn't get better and he should go home immediately. No chance. He was living out his days with the woman he loves doing what he loves. 

Act 3 - they made it. Europe was finished and Will was no worse, in fact he was better. Great even. Doctors from all over Europe had been jabbing him with needles and scanning him non-stop. The lesion was getting smaller according to Dr DeJong in Amsterdam. He was getting better. But he'd changed. Darcy was unhappy and Will was impatient. 

When they returned home it was straight back to reality; bills, jobs and responsibilities. New Year's came around and Darcy was worried about Will. He was completely cured but something was still bothering him, worrying him. What was it? She wanted to make it work, desperately. Could it? She didn't know. She just hoped. 

Tuesday 13 September 2016

Trailer ideas

I have created a presentation about some ideas I have had for my trailer. I have made notes using the research I have studied.

Plot types

Phil Parker's 10 story types:
1. The romance - character is emotionally lacking or missing something or someone (the object of desire). This object of desire is seen as a potential solution. The character will struggle to overcome barriers between himself and the object of desire and overcomes all. The resolution comes when the character unites with the object of desire. 
2. The unrecognised virtue - character with a virtue becomes part of someone else's world and falls in love with a powerful character in this world. Character seeks to prove that she is desirable to the powerful character but the power relationship undermines this. Character attempts to solve a problem for the powerful character and her virtue is finally recognised. 
3. The fatal flaw - character has a quality that brings success and enables him to gain opportunities denied to other characters. He uses opportunities for his own gain at the expense of others, but when he recognises the damage he has done he sets himself a new challenge. However, the quality which brought him success leads to failure in the new challenge. 
4. The debt that must be repaid - the character wants something or someone and becomes aware that something or someone is available which will possibly give her what she wants (at a price). The character agrees to pay the price later and pursues her original desire. The character attempts to avoid settling the debt but is finally confronted by the debtor and the debt is repaid. 
5. The spider and the fly - character wants to make another character do his bidding but, having no power to force her, devises a plan to trap her into doing it. The character successfully executes the plan, achieves his initial goal and then faces a new future. 
6. The gift taken away - character has a gift which she loses and seeks to regain. The pursuit of the gift leads her into a new situation to which she becomes reconciled. 
7. The quest - the character is set a task to find someone or something. He accepts the challenge, searches for and finds the someone or something. He is then rewarded, or not, for his success in the quest. 
8. The rites of passage - the character recognises that she has reached the next 'age' in her life and attempts to learn what she needs to know to adapt to this new age. She tries to act as if she has already acquired the necessary knowledge and fails. She then encounters a challenge which requires her to reach beyond what she has already achieved. Her success reflects her maturation into the new phase of her life. 
9. The wanderer - character arrives in a new place and discovers a problem associated with it. In facing the problem she reveals why she left the last place, then attempts to move on again.
10. The character who cannot be put down - the character demonstrates his prowess in a certain situation but then faces a bigger challenge, which he accepts. He succeeds by triumphing over a range of antagonistic forces. 

Robert McKee's 6 plot types:
Maturation plot - coming of age story
Redemption plot - moral change in protagonist from bad to good
Punitive plot - protagonist changes from good to bad and is punished
Testing plot - willpower vs. the temptation to surrender
Education plot - protagonist's views of life/self/people change from negative to positive
Disillusionment plot - protagonist's views of life/self/people change from positive to negative

Friday 9 September 2016

Narrative and film industry

What is narrative?
The way in which a story is told to the audience. When analysing narrative we must consider:
1. The order that the information is told to the audience
2. Any narrative devices used
3. The structure of the plot
4. The character types used

Narrative theory I need to understand.
I must have a good understanding of certain theories (explained later on) and I must know certain exam techniques. For example, I need to apply terminology in analysis of narrative conventions and consider the narrative devices my texts use and how these devices and the structure are appropriate for the genre and format of case studies. One or more of my case studies may use conventional or non-linear storytelling techniques and I must explain why this may be, relating back to the production context and target audience.

Narrative theories.
Syd Field's Three-Act Structure = Field identified that there were three acts to most stories:
Act 1                                           Act 2                                              Act 3
(25%)                                         (50%)                                            (25%)
Set-up                |                  Development             |                    Resolution
                Turning Point 1                             Turning Point 2

Todorov's Theory of Disequilibrium = Todorov's ideas were very similar however he defined the three acts as:
Equilibrium        -        Disequilibrium        -        Re-equilibrium

Propp's Spheres of Action = The main theory of Propp's is the characters he identified, which he called the spheres of action. Propp studied fairytales and spotted these recurring roles in many of the stories. Hollywood and many other film producers often use a fairy-tale structure for their films:
Hero - the protagonist who is sent on a quest and saves the day
Villain - the antagonist whose mission is to disrupt the hero's quest
Princess - must be saved by the hero or is the hero's reward
Helper - the hero's sidekick who helps them throughout the mission
Donor - gives the hero something crucial without which they couldn't complete the mission
Dispatcher - sends the hero on their quest
Anti-hero - may appear to be on the villain's or the hero's side

Levi Strauss' Binary Opposites = Strauss expresses that narratives are always centred on binary opposites, by which he means things that are complete polar opposites. Some examples of binary opposites include good/evil, dark/light, small/big, etc.

Roland Barthes' Codes = Barthes identified a number of codes that are used in narratives to allow the audience to understand the plot development.
Action codes - things that happen that dictate an action that will occur. E.G. a character placing their hand on a gun signifies that they are likely to shoot.
Enigma codes - things that are seen tat raise questions for the audience. E.G. an important letter falling out of a character's pocket, who will pick it up? what does it say? what will happen to them?
Cultural codes - objects or places that are seen that allow the audience to identify quickly with a specific culture. E.G. the inclusion of the Eiffel Tower alerts the audience that they are in France, or a yellow taxi dictates New York.

Wednesday 7 September 2016

A guide to making trailers

This is research from media magazine April 2014 that will help me with my further studies.

Summer task

Over the summer, I was set a task to research movie posters, trailers and magazines and their conventions. I analysed  movie posters and 2 movie trailers related to my predicted genre as well as  movie magazine front covers and a list of movie trailer conventions.

Made with Padlet

Preliminary task - evaluation 4

Preliminary task - evaluation 3

Preliminary task - evaluation 2

For my second evaluation question I made a presentation using Canva which you can access by clicking the following link:

Evaluation Question 2

Preliminary task - evaluation 1

Powered by emaze

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Camera practice - reflection post

Once we knew how to use the cameras with the tripods we recorded a short scene and edited it using iMovie (previous post). This then allowed us to use iMovie for the first time and have a practice before we create out final project. Although we only used the technology for a short amount of time, having a practice before starting our final project really helped my partner and I as it means that we now know the basics of using recording cameras, tripods and iMovie. 
Today we were shown a tutorial of how to use the cameras and tripods to create a short scene. This allowed us to familiarise ourselves with the technology that we will use to create our preliminary task and final film trailer. Our teacher gave us a list of tasks to complete to help us to understand the cameras and how to use them:

Tuesday 21 June 2016

Camera practice - knife throw scene

My partner Serena and I practiced using the video cameras by creating a short scene using various shots and techniques of the camera. I then posted this scene onto YouTube, to view click the link below:

Knife Throw Scene

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Preliminary task - shot list

The preliminary task must contain a shot list. This is a planning document that will help me to film the scene.

Shot list:
1. Establishing shot - character A cycling along a road peacefully
2. Medium close up - when A gets off their bike
3. Close up - bike wheel spinning on the floor
4. Point of view shot - as A walks towards door, shaking to show fear
5. Establishing/long shot - shows the house with the laid out table
6. Mid shots - as A says hello, jump cuts to different parts of the house that are empty
7. Close up - shows villains feet slowly walking towards A
8. Tracking shot - following the villains feet
9. Tilt - camera moves up the villains body to below his neck
10. Over the shoulder shot - as the villain eating his food?
11. Medium close up - character A to show fear
12. Close ups - (camera gets closer to villains face frame by frame)
13. Extreme close up - villains face in mask 
14. Low angle long shot - when villain is cycling away 

Tuesday 14 June 2016

Preliminary task - script draft

Character A is cycling towards the house, gets off bike and approaches to explore
[shot of bicycle wheel still spinning]

A walks towards door - heavy breathing, [fade to black, title screen], door creaks [as title is shown]
[music gradually becomes louder - nursery rhyme?]

As A enters there is a [establishing shot] table with an afternoon tea/dinner set laid out - teddy bears?
A: Hello? HELLO?
[Jump cuts to different parts of the house]

The villain - character B - enters the room [close up shot of feet] and the audience sees them walking towards the table and hears the footsteps/creaky floorboards [tilt to upper body] 
B: Join me

B begins to eat [face is never shown] 
B: Eat
[camera travels further up his body using cuts and editing - body becomes distorted]
[extreme close up of villains face in mask?] 

Other character: HELP!

[fade to black - scream]
Character B is cycling away from the house on A's bike
[same music as opening frame - classical and peaceful]

Preliminary task - initial ideas

For our preliminary task, my partner Serena and I will create a 60 second scene using features from mine-en-scene, editing, sound and camera techniques. Our scene will be about a horror chase and we have some initial ideas here;

Genre: a horror chase
Plot ideas: 
Setting - dark house or warehouse, abandoned?
Villain - mask?
Many of the shots will be from the villains point of view.

Conventions of film posters

I have researched various posters of films that are similar to the genres of my film idea
Genres: romance
             period drama
             1920s, 1940s and 1950s

Research into my film idea

I have done some research into the different time periods that will be shown in my trailer in regards to the key events that happened in the decade and the entertainment and fashion at the time.


Monday 13 June 2016

Initial ideas

After hearing about the task for this years media studies coursework, myself and my partner Serena had some ideas of what we wanted to do for our film idea. We have come up with a film that it is different to films on the market at the moment and will appeal to an audience who we can relate to.

Genre - period drama, romance
Audience - young adults
Main characters - male and female, both 17
Extras - a large group of people used to represent each era using various costumes

Synopsis - the 2 main characters meet and get trapped in a time warp. Every time they touch they enter a new era, filled with surprises and challenges that they must face together.
Eras - 1940s, 1950s, 1920s...
Mise-en-scene - costumes to suit era, settings for different events significant in time
1940 - war, bomb shelter, midi skirt, blazer, tie, hat, suits, overalls
1950 - circle and poodle skirts, scrunchies, school setting, leather jackets
1920 - flapper style, dresses, finger curls, posh suits, trilby

Serena's blog: www.harperserena.blogspot.co.uk